Friday, May 6, 2011

You CAN change the world!

It was so great to see all that orange in FCA today. Wow, I missed FCA last week because I was on the Savannah trip with a bunch of the 8th graders. It was good to be back!

This week we recognized soccer players, dancers, and gymnasts. Congratulations to you all for your achievements.

Lovinggood on the Lawn is finally here tonight!

Today was also the last day to donate to Relay for Life (but I suspect they will always welcome any direct contributions via the website or event participation). The website for Relay for Life is Congratulations to everyone participating in the event and to those who ran in the FCA 5k on April 30th!

I can't believe it but next week is the last FCA of this school year - Show up! It will be the final gathering with our 8th graders, so let's pack the house! Ouch, I am going to miss those 8th graders as they head off to high-school. Remember to watch at least one episode of Phineas and Ferb this week in preparation for next week's meeting.

Chip Paul from Burnt Hickory Baptist was the speaker this morning. His challenge to you all - Start Living the Life. Do not find yourself caught up in the EVENTS (FCA, Lovingggood on the Lawn, Wednesday night church, etc) and forget to live the life of a Christian.

I Thessalonians 1:8. Your lives echo the Master's words. YOU are the message and you are capable of turning this community upside down. You have the ability, the opportunity and you are called to live radically for Christ. Be sure you have not fallen into the lie that it can't be done. People try to make you believe that it can't be done....that you can't change the world for Christ.

In India they use elephants as workers. These enormous animals can carry trees and yet they are kept tied to a post by a small thin piece of twine on their right leg. From youth they have been schackled to a post and as they grow up, the actual schackle is no longer even necessary because the elephant doesn't think he is capable of breaking the twine. We fall into those same lies with regrds to our ability to change the world for Christ. Today is the day to break through the lie. It is time to get serious about living your life for Christ! We need to carry and echo the name of Christ with us.

John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Go victorious knowing Christ has already beat the world! He calls you to live it and carry His name. When you break that twine and carry His name, you will have the opportunity to change the world.

The Anthem - Jake Hamilton Song at the end of Today's FCA!

The Anthem

I can hear the footsteps of my King
I can hear His heartbeat beckoning
In my darkness He has set me free
And now I hear the Spirit calling me

He's calling wake up child it's your turn to shine
You were born for such a time as this
He's calling wake up child it's your turn to shine
You were born for such a time as this
Such a time as this

And I can hear a holy rumbling
I've begun to preach another King
Loosing chains and breaking down the walls
I want to hear the Father when He calls

He's calling wake up child it's your turn to shine
You were born for such a time as this!
Such a time as this

This is the anthem of our generation
Here we are God, shake our nation!
All we need is your love,
You captivate me!

I am royalty, I have destiny,
I have been set free, I'm gonna shape history!

I'm gonna change the world! (x7)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Life will trash your trophies

Welcome back from Spring Break, FCA!

In the very near future, I will post pictures from Freedom Week. It was quite a spirit-filled week and deserves its own post. I hoped to have pictures recapping the week sooner, but will pull all that together soon! Now, about today: Sports recognition for the day: Softball and Equestrian. I think T-Mo deserves a round of applause for the colorful recognition of the two teams.

Cancer research - FCA is collecting $ for Relay for Life in a jar. $1 per person would make a difference in the research being done. For more information on Relay for Life, please visit their website at

Lovinggood on the Lawn is Friday,May 6, 2011 from 6:00 about 10:30 p.m. Tech Crew applications for next year are due by next Friday, April 22, 2011! Don't be late. Today's speaker was Chad Conner - always a treat to hear. The message for today is that one must be very careful not to live for the things that are important to the world, but rather live for those things that are important to God. James Dobson is a well known spiritual leader. When he was younger, he was a complete tennis junkie. He played 5 to 6 hours a day. When he was in high school, he saw a trophy for the Best Player in the trophy case of Pasadena College. He made it his goal to see his name on that trophy and while in school there, he actually won the title twice. 20 - 25 years later, his best friend's son attended the same college. There was a great deal of demolition going on and as Will Spate walked through the athletic center, the old trophy case had been destroyed. He saw trophies being disposed up and in a trash can was the trophy with James Dobson's name on it. Will called and told his dad what he had seen. His dad told James. James response was "given enough time, life will trash your trophies".

Given enough time, it is absolutely true that life WILL trash your trophies. That is why we need to seek things that are more important than our life on earth. The things important to the world are NOT important to God. The things that matter to men are temporary, fleeting. Chasing those is like chasing the wind.

In Matthew 16, Christ speaks of those that focus on things of earthly importance. He tells the disciples that if anyone wants to come to Him, he must take up his cross and follow Him. Anyone who wants to gain life will lose their life. If you chase the things that matter to men, you lose out on Jesus.

Don't be mistaken though; If you have talents, you are directed to pursue those with excellence. God has given us each strengths and we are to pursue those for His glory, not our own. God has designed you for himself and to know Him.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Talk it Up!! March 18th

3 Easy steps for “Talk It Up”
Keep it in your Agenda.
Find an FCA friend in homeroom, lunch, bus, and whenever else you have free time to talk.
Read the verse, answer the questions and keep “Talking It Up”

Next week is “Freedom Week”- FCA on the Daily!!

Friday, March 18
2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

What’s one scripture Pastor Aaron read this morning that can be useful for your training in righteousness?
Share with someone how God has used a Bible verse or story to teach you.

Monday, March 21
Galatians 1:10 Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.

In what areas of your life are you trying to gain the approval of others?
In what areas are you trying to please God?

Tuesday, March 22
Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

What’s the hardest thing for you about memorizing God’s Word?
Discuss some ways hiding God’s word in your heart could benefit your life (see Monday)?

Wednesday, March 23
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

When was a time you trusted in the Lord and not your own understanding? What happened?
Do you have a situation in your life right now where you need to put your full trust in God?

Thursday, March 24
Ephesians 5:1-2 Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Who, besides God, do people try to imitate? Why?
As we get ready for freedom week, discuss how amazing Jesus’s love is for us? How can you imitate His amazing love?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Being Job = Suffering

Hey, Hey, Hey, It's FCA!

GREAT singing this past Friday. I can't think of a better way to finish out the meeting than singing a guitar and motion accompanied "Marvelous Light". I hope that sent you all off to your day feeling happy and like lifting your hands and spinning around.

Announcements - pardon me if I sound repetitive BUT, WE NEED SOFT DRINKS, PLEASE! If you were counting, there were no more than six of each type on the stage this past Friday.

Talk it Up prize incentive - Pastor Trey is so motivated for you to memorize the scriptures in the Talk it Up packet that he is donating itunes cards to the person(s) who can memorize and then stand on the stage to recite all five verses! Memorizing scripture keeps you spiritually prepared to deal with situations as they arise in your life. Let's see who will be on stage next week........I cannot figure out how to attach the Talk it Up document so it will be posted separately.

Friday's speaker was Aaron Landry, Worship Pastor of 5979 Ministries at Liberty Church. To learn more about Aaron and 5979, please visit .

Aaron spoke to us about the life and plights of Job. Job has his own book in the Bible which contains 42 chapters and covers approximately two weeks. That's a lot of book for a short period of time. Some books of the Bible cover hundreds of years in one chapter. This tells me that the story of Job is extremely important and full of lessons for us to learn through Job's story.

What we learn is that Job is a man of great influence - the most influential in all the East. His devotion to God is unquestioned. He has a wonderful life with many children, much land, many heads of cattle, etc. He is a very successful and godly man. The condensed version of his story is that Job was tested to the extreme. He lost his entire family, all of his land, all of his belongings, and everything that mattered to him within a very short period of time. He even became very ill, so ill that he was covered with pus filled sores that itched so greatly that he used broken pieces of glass to scratch and scrape them. In the midst of all this turmoil, his three closest friends came to be with him and to comfort him. Through it all, Job never turned his back on God.

Each one of us will suffer in our lives. Some of us will suffer more than others. All of us will need comfort at some point. Many of us will be called upon to provide comfort to those close to us. It is so important to choose the right person when you are in need of comfort. Seek out those that will keep you close to God and allow Him to teach you and work through you even in the midst of suffering.

We have spoken a great deal about God's plans for our lives. He has a plan for each one of us and He is growing us into the the people we will someday be and who will someday spend an eternity with Him. Following His path is crucial and seeking out those who will help keep you on the path is necessary.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How do you see Jesus?

How is everyone today? Do you all have a 12-pack of Sprite, Coke, or Diet Coke ready to bring to FCA on Friday? As of this past Friday, we had a grand total of TWO 12-packs and I am pretty certain we will need more than that for Lovinggood on the Lawn!

Freedom Week is coming soon. There will be daily activities for FCA the week of March 28, 2011 - April 1, 2011. More information is forthcoming.

Sports Recognition on Friday, March 11, 2011: Swimmers and Lacrosse!!

Did you all get your TALK IT UP sheets? I am going to attempt to attach, but if my blogging skills are terribly tested, I will simply post AS a blog each week. Also, I am hoping to add some new links to area youth ministries on here in the new week or so to allow you to access more information from here.

And now for the weekly speaker's recap:

Kyle McHargue from Macland Baptist Church was the speaker on Friday. His talk was based on Mark 3:8 and as the title of the blog indicates, he spoke about how each of you see Jesus. HOW you see Him in your life is a pretty big factor in how you live your life. If you do not see him clearly, your actions may not be what HE wishes. The more accurately you see Jesus, the more He is visible in your life.

Kyle shared the story of the blind man being partially healed and how when that happened, he said he could see but frankly, the men looked a little more like trees than people. Jesus then healed him completely and he could see all things clearly. Jesus wants us all to clearly see who He is and to live our lives in a way that exemplifies Him. He wants us to truly know WHO He is. Jesus was and is far more interested in the type of followers He has than the sheer number of followers. HOW do they see Him? Kyle used the example of the Christmas Christians and how they may not see Jesus as clearly as those who continually seek Him.

Jesus asked the disciples how the people saw Him. They saw Him as many different people...a prophet, John the Baptist, even Elijah, and some truly did see Him as the Son of God. Many thought he was crazy. Many thought He was a liar. Many believed He was telling the truth. Each one of us has to decide how we feel about who Jesus is.

He then asked the disciples how each of them saw Him and who He was? Peter said He was the Christ. Even Peter saw Him as the fufillment of prophecy and did not truly grasp that He is the Son of God, the Savior of the world and not here to take over ruling the world.

Who you profess Jesus to be defines who you are and how you live your life. When you see Him as your Savior, you will see Him clearly and will live your life in a way that shows others who He is and that shows He spoke the truth and came to save us from our sins.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hello, March

Did everyone have a fantastic winter break? Didn't it feel more like SPRING break? It seems as though school is about to set free for summer with this fantastic weather we are having. Thankfully there are still something like 86 (actual)days until the school year is over. Plenty of time to study for the CRCT's! And, plenty of time to prepare for Freedom Week!

Please Don't forget to bring 12-packs of your grade level appropriate coca-cola product to FCA for Freedom Week!

Didn't you all love Mrs. Wilhoit's talk at the last FCA meeting? We are so very blessed to have her lead FCA. How very much she cares is so obvious. I hope you saw it, heard it, and felt it in her talk. Remember, we don't always choose our path. God has chosen one for us and it isn't always exactly what we pictured it would be, but if you will follow Him, He will bless you.

To learn and know His plan for your life, there are a few things that will help make it more clear to you:

Memorize scripture - fill your mind with scripture. Keep your mind prepared at all times for the attack of Satan. Keep your thoughts fixed on good things. When there is a decision to be made, the scriptures in your head will lead you to make the right choice.

Ask Him to show you - every time Mrs. Wilhoite asks God to SHOW her His will for FCA, He does it. It may not always be what she was expecting or hoping, but He is pretty clear with His directions/wishes if you will just listen!

Be still and know that He is God - take ten minutes for quiet time everyday to spend with God and learn what His will is for you.

John 10:27 says, My sheep hear my voice and I know I am Him and they follow me.

You will know His voice if you stay close to Him and listen for it.

Have a great week! See you all Friday morning.